
The sims 3 complete list of wishes
The sims 3 complete list of wishes

the sims 3 complete list of wishes

Truly a memorable trip that has made them closer than before!

  • Snowy Vacation Memories (Snowy Escape) – Sim #1 has such fond memories of frolicking in the snow with Sim #2 on vacation.
  • That memorable experience will keep Sim #1 feeling warmly towards Sim #2 for a while!
  • Played Together at the Festival of Snow (Snowy Escape) – Sim #1 has joyful memories of frozen fun with Sim #2 at the Festival of Snow.
  • Celebrated Together at the Festival of Snow (Snowy Escape) – Sim #1 had a blast partying in the snow with Sim #2 at the Festival of Snow! So much to celebrate, so much snow.
  • Sim #1 wouldn’t mind playing in the snow with Sim #2 again sometime!
  • Fun in the Snow – A little fun in the snow is a reminder of the simple joys in life.
  • Time spent together seems to bring them closer together.
  • Growing Closer from Quality Time – Sim #1 appreciates that Sim #2 makes time for them.
  • The party’s over, but Sim #1 still feels its afterglow when they spends time around Sim #2.
  • Closer after a Fun Party – Celebrations can bring Sims together, literally and emotionally.
  • Heating up the body can help a Sim warm up to people!
  • Warmhearted from Relaxing Together – Sim #1 had a real heart-to-heart moment with Sim #2 while relaxing in the water together.
  • Close after a Close Call – Sim #2 almost dying has really endeared them to Sim #1.
  • Made a Wish Together at the Festival of Light (Snowy Escape) – Sim #1 and Sim #2 shared their hopes and dreams while making a wish together at the Festival of Light.
  • Close to a Confidant (from Snowy Escape’s Lifestyle Feature) – When Sim #1 became Confidants with Sim #2, their bond deepened in strength.
  • Nothing like a warm meal in your belly and good company to share it with!

    the sims 3 complete list of wishes

    Brought Together by Hot Pot Meal (Snowy Escape) – Sim #1 bonded with Sim #2 over some tasty hot pot.

    the sims 3 complete list of wishes

    Unity in Hiking Hiking (Snowy Escape) – through thick and thin, Sim #1 has grown a new fondness for Sim #2 with the memories they have made.Closer from Happy Memories – Sim #1 feels close to Sim #2 from good times and happy memories.Open-Hearted – Sim #1 feels close to a recent addition to the family, Sim #2.Komorebi that forged a powerful bond between them. Bonded During Epic Mountain Climb (Snowy Escape) Sim #1 and Sim #2 shared an incredible adventure on Mt.Deeply Connected – Sim #1 has a powerful bond with Sim #2 that is a source of strength and comfort.Impressed – Sim #2 sure knows what they’re doing and Sim #1 has nothing but respect.Adoring – Sim #1 just wants the best for Sim #2 and thinks they are so wonderful!.Awed (by Lifesaving Hero) – Sim #2 literally saved Sim #1 from the clutches of death.

    #The sims 3 complete list of wishes code

    Here’s a list of all of them! Please note that I’ve converted all of the game code lingo into references to Sim #1 – a Sim who feels the Sentiment and Sim #2 – a Sim who helped cause the Sentiment! Positive Sentiments

    The sims 3 complete list of wishes